
This section contains general information about PartyService.

  • Matching is not 100% done and will be heavily improved in the future.

  • All party members are in the same server, parties don't exist in multiple servers.

  • Parties always have a leader. If the leader gets removed, a random player will become leader.

  • AddAsync and RemoveAsync are built for multiple players. It is possible to use a single player, but try to use multiple in order to save requests.

  • Network calls are automatically retried, so you don't have to use pcall unless you want to add additional error handling.

  • One player in the queue takes up 10 + Length of UserId bytes, a group takes up 11 + Length of the UserIds + Amount of players.

Information on PartyService limits:

  • Priorities range from 1 to 99
  • 9999 entities per priority (so theoretically 989,901 entities per queue)

Information on MSS limits:

  • For each player in the game, you get 100 AvailableRequests per minute (capped at 1000 players/100,000 requests)
  • While your SpentRequests in the last 60 seconds + your AvailableRequests are lower than the limit, it will regenerate math.ceil(limit / 60) requests per second
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